First class gifts for kids

sigikid - as colorful as life, since 1968

What drives us...

… are the wonderful stories you write with our products
… that we are part of your family
… that we can accompany your milestones
… that you laugh with us, play, discover the world and cuddle a lot

Making families happy - that's what we work passionately for every day.

Who we are

We are a family business from Upper Franconia in Bavaria

The history of the sigikid brand begins in 1968 with the founders Sigrid and Josef Gottstein, the parents of the current company owners Axel Gottstein and Eva Frecea. The entrepreneurial couple Sigrid and Josef Gottstein firmly believed that you are never too old to cuddle and play, which makes sigikid one of the best-known children's brands in Europe to this day.

At that time, the first sigikid children's products were created - small toys and wooden cars with beads as wheels. Textile products were soon added, e.g. our cuddly blankets, which are still popular today, and also the first large, soft - and for the time unique - cuddly toys. Printed fabrics were sourced from Scandinavia and the first children's fashion collections were sold to upmarket specialist retailers.

The entrepreneurial couple Sigrid and Josef Gottstein firmly believed that you are never too old to cuddle and play, which makes sigikid one of the best-known children's brands in Europe to this day.

Incidentally, the brand name is a combination of the founder's first name "Sigi" (an abbreviation of Sigrid) and "kid".

sigikid toys are invaluable companions throughout childhood. They share all the big and small moments in a child's life and are often the first to be on hand to comfort and cuddle. All they need is a spin in the washing machine from time to time. Otherwise, our products are designed to last a long time and are often passed on to the next generation.

Do you have any questions or suggestions about our brand or our company? Then write to us personally at

Unsere Mission:
Wer kuschelt kann die Welt verändern

Ein asiatisches Sprichwort sagt: Wer kuschelt, lebt besser.
Dabei hat Kuscheln viel mit einem menschlichen Bedürfnis zu tun, das jeder von uns hat: Nähe und Geborgenheit.

Die menschliche Antwort darauf ist die Umarmung. So wiesen Forscher der japanischen Toho-Universität durch Überwachung der Herzfrequenz von Neugeborenen nach, dass die Umarmung eines Elternteils mit „mittlerem Druck“ am besten beruhigt – und zwar sowohl die Babys als auch die Eltern.


Our mission:
Those who cuddle can change the world

There's an Asian proverb that says: "He who cuddles, lives better. But cuddling has a lot to do with a human need that we all have: Closeness and security.

The human response to this is the hug. By monitoring the heart rate of newborns, researchers at Toho University in Japan have shown that hugging a parent with "medium pressure" is the most calming - for both babies and parents.


Children need Colors

US child psychologist Ann-Louise Lockhart told the Wall Street Journal: "It's important to expose children to learning colors to help them with their visual perception. Variety is important for brain development." But colorful also stands for openness.

As a company, we are open to everyone and exclude no one. Colorful is a commitment to humanity in all its diversity and uniqueness. It is a commitment to a multipolar world order in which everyone can lead a happy life.

Kinder brauchen Farben

Gegenüber dem „Wall Street Journal“ erklärte die US-Kinderpsychologin Ann-Louise Lockhart: „Es ist wichtig, Kinder dem Lernen von Farben auszusetzen, um ihnen bei ihrer visuellen Wahrnehmung zu helfen. Abwechslung ist wichtig für die Gehirnentwicklung.“ Bunt steht aber auch für Offenheit.

Wir sind als Unternehmen offen für alle und schließen niemanden aus. Bunt ist das Bekenntnis zur Menschheit in ihrer Vielfalt und Einzigartigkeit. Es ist das Bekenntnis zu einer multipolaren Weltordnung, in der jeder glücklich sein Leben führen kann.

Unsere Produktwelten

Kuscheln & Spielen
Rucksack & Co.

Our product worlds

Cuddle & Play
Backpacks & Co.

Wusstest du, dass...

Did you know that...

... Textile gifts

are the cradle of the sigikid baby world?

We developed our first products for children back in the 1970s under the heading of textile gifts. These were not necessarily toys, but gift ideas for children. From pyjama bags and photo albums to cushions and the famous patchwork quilts. The first little baby clutches were made from the leftovers of these products because we didn't want to throw anything away. 

This idea of using all leftover materials still shapes our thinking today.

... sigikid musical toys

are the oldest products in our collection?

We launched the first music boxes on the market back in the 1970s. Even back then, the idea was that a music box is much more than just a musical mechanism. It is the way to a good night's sleep.

By the way: LaLeLu is our most popular music box melody, closely followed by Harry Potter in second place.
Music can support children's development on various levels from an early age. In addition to language development and coordination, it also promotes creativity and helps children to better remember what they have learned.

... sigikid comforters

consist of at least 30 individual parts and are made by hand?

We know from families that comforters often accompany children through life far beyond the toddler years and that the world turns upside down when a beloved friend is lost. This is where our customer service comes into play - we search for, find, repair or sew custom-made items.

... cuddly soft and washable

has long been the slogan of our company?

That's why all our items are washable at up to 30 °C. For us, it is not only important that a product looks good when you buy it, but also when you take it out of the washing machine for the 10th time after the playground.

... what sigikid has in common with airports

has in common with airports?

During production, our articles are not only screened with a metal detector, but also x-rayed? The radiation is completely harmless for the product, similar to how luggage is searched for dangerous objects at the airport.

The background to this additional security level is that metal detectors cannot find all objects, especially in textile products. X-raying further increases the security of the products.

... we put our products

put our products through their paces?

Who better to test our products in everyday life than the children themselves?

Of course, a lunchbox is sometimes used as a sand shovel or the cuddly toy is actually put through its paces. Even if this doesn't always correspond to the intended use: that's life!

And sigikid products are characterized by the fact that they can withstand all this.

... we help,

when your favorite sigikid cuddly toy goes missing?

When we receive a call for help, a whole team immediately jumps to the rescue and tries to find the lost friend in our warehouse or in a store.

If there is nowhere else, our sewing department comes into play and reproduces the item if possible. Even if we sometimes have to make compromises when it comes to materials – the beaming eyes of the little owner at the joyful "reunion" are what we strive for.

Do you have a question about our products or would you like some advice?
Our customer service team will be happy to help you.