Baby activity soft book apple tree with squeak bird
Start your little one's library with this amazing soft plush book of a four-season-apple-tree: summer outside with apple appliqués, autumn with brown crinkle leaves, winter on a blueish background with squeak bird in his nest and foil mirror, and spring with a large crinkle apple blossom. Many little ribbon bits and pieces (such as the apple stems) and all the 3-D-parts add to baby's first fun. The mini plush bird can hop out of its nest but has to stay close, as it is connected with a cord. Hours and hours of delightful discoveries to keep baby entertained!
Babyalbum Mister O'Lui - Mein erstes Jahr
Die kostbarsten Momente bewahren:Endlich bist du da! Dieses Babyalbum begleitet frisch gebackene Eltern durch das erste Lebensjahr ihres Babys. Geschmückt mit liebevollen Illustrationen von Mister O'Lui und seinen Freunden können all die zauberhaften Erinnerungen und Meilensteine festgehalten werden: das erste Lächeln, das erste Wort, das Lieblingskuscheltier . Mit viel Platz für Fotos, Notizen, Ultraschallbilder und andere Erinnerungsstücke entsteht so ein wahrer Buchschatz, in dem man immer wieder gerne blättert. Das Babyalbum enthält auch niedliche Mister-O'Lui-Sticker und eine Froschtasche. Grafik Designerin Silke Siefert ist die Schöpferin der nostalgische Welt von Mister O'Lui. Ihr erster Biberbär entstand als Häkelfigur für ihre kleinen Zwillingssöhne; dieser niedliche Charakter erfuhr so großen Zuspruch bei Familie und Freunden, dass sich daraus bald ein kleiner Kosmos entwickelte.
Bilderbuch Das Räuberhäschen
Manchmal ist es schwierig, den Kuschelbär oder die Murmeln mit anderen zu teilen; das kennen auch Igel, Katze und Fuchs - und sind sehr empört, als ein Räuberhäschen diese Dinge heimlich stibitzt. Warum hat es nicht einfach gefragt, ob es mitspielen darf?Das Bilderbuch rund um unsere drei bunten Helden und das Räuberhäschen ist mit seinen wunderschönen Illustrationen und der warmherzigen Geschichte besonders für kleine Kinder von ca. 2 bis 4 Jahren geeignet.Igel, Katze, Fuchs und Hase leben übrigens schon seit längerem als echte, verschmuste Kuscheltiere bei unseren Patchwork Sweetys. Hier könnt ihr die Originale kennenlernen! Band 3 der Geschichten rund um die Patchwork Sweetys. Das stabile Pappbilderbuch mit 26 detailreichen Bildseiten von Nadine Reitz ist im Boje Verlag erschienen.
Children's backpack spider, children's book "Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"
No one would want to run away from this utterly charming spider! She is the main character of a well-known German children's book series about a little spider named Disgusting ("Die kleine Spinne Widerlich") and features this neat daycare, nursery or kindergarten backpack for toddlers. The 4 l volume compartment closes with draw string and click closure. Padded shoulder straps, adjustable just like the chest strap, make the backpack very comfortable to wear. Further features are: Top grab handle, durable and easy-care lining, and a name label inside.
Children's lunchbox little spider, children's book "Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"
Who is this utterly charming creature, lounging in her net and enjoying a sandwich? She is the heroine of a popular German children's book series about a little spider named Disgusting ("Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"), created by actress Diana Amft. We are happy to present to you finally a little series for preschoolers featuring this colourful character! This lunchbox for children has a clip closure that is easy to handle even for toddlers and contains a separate veggie tray inside. The box is made from durable polypropylene, tested food-safe and BPA-free. For the lid we recommend hand-wash to protect the colours; the box as well as the removable tray are dishwasher safe, but not suited for the microwave. Many lid designs for this lunchbox size can be re-ordered separately so that your child has more options to choose from for their daily snack.
Freundebuch Mister O'Lui - Mein allererstes Freundebuch
Die perfekte Erinnerung an erste Freundschaften und die aufregende Zeit im Kindergarten für Kinder ab 4 Jahren.Mister O'Lui weiß: Wer einen so guten Freund wie Rupert hat, der kann sich richtig glücklich schätzen. Für alle Kindergartenkinder und ihre ersten guten Freunde und Freundinnen gibt es jetzt dieses zauberhafte Eintragsbuch. Mit warmherzigen Illustrationen von Silke Siefert und jeder Menge Platz, damit alle Kinder verraten können, wer sie sind, was sie gerne essen, am liebsten spielen und warum sie froh sind, befreundet zu sein. Sie können ein Bild von sich einkleben und einen Daumenabdruck hinterlassen. Auch ein Geburtstagskalender und Extraseiten für Gruppenfotos sind enthalten. Grafik Designerin Silke Siefert ist die Schöpferin der nostalgische Welt von Mister O'Lui. Ihr erster Biberbär entstand als Häkelfigur für ihre kleinen Zwillingssöhne; dieser niedliche Charakter erfuhr so großen Zuspruch bei Familie und Freunden, dass sich daraus bald ein kleiner Kosmos entwickelte.
Kinderbuch Mister O'Lui sucht das Glück
Begleite Mister O'Lui auf seiner Suche nach dem Glück: Eine warmherziges Bilderbuch über Freundschaft und die wirklich wertvollen Dinge im Leben. Mister O'Lui hat alles, was er braucht: Ein gemütliches Zuhause, ein Käsebrot mit Marmelade und seinen geliebten Kakaobecher. Doch als er eines Tages nach dem Glück gefragt wird, stutzt er. Ist er wirklich rundherum glücklich? Der Biberbär beschließt, das Glück zu finden! Als das kleine Wildschwein Rupert ihn begleiten möchte, winkt Mister O'Lui ab. Für Schweine hat Mister O'Lui jetzt wirklich keine Zeit, zumal Rupert leider kein Glücksschwein ist. Doch das kleine Ferkel lässt sich so schnell nicht abschütteln. Am Ende des Tages kehrt Mister O'Lui ohne das große Glück nach Hause zurück. Doch hat er nicht etwas viel Wertvolleres gefunden? Taucht ein in die nostalgische Welt von Mister O'Lui, erschaffen von Grafik Designerin Silke Siefert! Ihr erster Biberbär entstand als Häkelfigur für ihre kleinen Zwillingssöhne; dieser niedliche Charakter erfuhr so großen Zuspruch bei Familie und Freunden, dass sich daraus bald ein kleiner Kosmos entwickelte.
Large plush beaverbear Mister O'Lui, blue hoody
This plush beaverbear Mister O'Lui recreates the ingeniously pure shape of the original that is so utterly endearing; after all, one of the beaverbear's traits is that he is so completely different from other bears! His shell is made of cotton teddy fleece, and he is dressed in his favourite hoody, which can be taken off.Immerse yourself in the nostalgic world of Mister O'Lui created by graphic designer Silke Siefert! She crocheted her first little beaverbear for her baby twin sons; this adorable cuddle pal got so popular among family and friends that meanwhile a little universe has evolved all around it, including picture books.Find more lovingly designed products featuring Mister O'Lui and his friends.
Large plush fox Ferdinand, Mister O'Lui
We recreated Mister O'Lui's friend Ferdinand in white velours, red marl jersey and light brown teddy fleece for his paws (all cotton), which makes the beautiful fox such an amazing hugger.Immerse yourself in the nostalgic world of Mister O'Lui created by graphic designer Silke Siefert! She crocheted her first little beaverbear for her baby twin sons; this adorable cuddle pal got so popular among family and friends that meanwhile a little universe has evolved all around it, including picture books.Find more lovingly designed products featuring Mister O'Lui and his friends.
Large plush giraffe Olivia, Mister O'Lui
Giraffe Olivia is Mister O'Luis biggest friend. The plush giraffe made of brown cotton velours has a comfy body shape that allows her to sit patiently until it is her turn again to get cuddled and hugged.Immerse yourself in the nostalgic world of Mister O'Lui created by graphic designer Silke Siefert! She crocheted her first little beaverbear for her baby twin sons; this adorable cuddle pal got so popular among family and friends that meanwhile a little universe has evolved all around it, including picture books.Find more lovingly designed products featuring Mister O'Lui and his friends.
Large plush lion Arthur, Mister O'Lui
Lion Arthur belongs to Mister O'Lui's group of newly-found friends. The fun mane of the plush lion looks at first glance quite spiky, but in fact it feels very supple - similar to Arthur himself, who really just is a big softie!Immerse yourself in the nostalgic world of Mister O'Lui created by graphic designer Silke Siefert! She crocheted her first little beaverbear for her baby twin sons; this adorable cuddle pal got so popular among family and friends that meanwhile a little universe has evolved all around it, including picture books.Find more lovingly designed products featuring Mister O'Lui and his friends.
Mitmach-Kinderbuch Mister O'Lui packt das Glück in seinen Koffer
Ein lustiges Pappbilderbuch zum Mitmachen für Kinder ab 2 Jahren: Biberbär Mister O'Lui und sein bester Freund Rupert, das Streifenschwein, freuen sich auf eine große Reise, doch erst mal heißt es: Koffer packen. Was Mister O'Lui mitnehmen will? Natürlich alles, was ihn glücklich macht! Hilfst du ihm, den Koffer zu packen? Zeig doch mal mit einfachen Bewegungen, wie schön eine warme Tasse Kakao in deinem Bauch kribbelt und wie lustig man mit den Zehen in bunten Ringelsocken wackeln kann. Toll gemacht – ab in den Koffer damit, und im Nu kann die Reise losgehen! Grafik Designerin Silke Siefert ist die Schöpferin der nostalgische Welt von Mister O'Lui. Ihr erster Biberbär entstand als Häkelfigur für ihre kleinen Zwillingssöhne; dieser niedliche Charakter erfuhr so großen Zuspruch bei Familie und Freunden, dass sich daraus bald ein kleiner Kosmos entwickelte.
Patchwork plush toy cat
One like no other to be hugged, cherished, cuddled, and to share dreams with. With its colorful appearance and super soft patchwork of 'umpteen different types of plush and fabric, the cuddly soft toy cat immediately endears herself to her very special little boy or girl. Love at first sight happens!
Plush hare, children's book "Wir zwei..." (You and me) by Michael Engler
"Their friendship was as warm as cocoa, as sweet as honey and as big as the blue sky above them." Rabbits and hedgehogs could hardly be more different: One is soft, the other prickly. One likes carrots, the other snails. One can jump marvellously far, the other can curl up for a whole winter. And yet hare and hedgehog become best friends.In his heartwarming children's book series "Wir zwei" (You and Me) Author Michael Engler shows that not only like attracts like: despite all their differences hare and hedgehog share an intimate and wonderful friendship.These two book characters now gain shape as huggable plushies, exclusively made by sigikid. The hare matches his paper twin from the peculiar eye shape to the dark brown tips of his ears. In order to really hug his hedgehog friend and to hold him tight, his paws are velcroed, and a little granule filling in his body adds more stability.
Plush hedgehog, children's book "Wir zwei..." (You and me) by Michael Engler
"Their friendship was as warm as cocoa, as sweet as honey and as big as the blue sky above them." Rabbits and hedgehogs could hardly be more different: One is soft, the other prickly. One likes carrots, the other snails. One can jump marvellously far, the other can curl up for a whole winter. And yet hare and hedgehog become best friends.In his heartwarming children's book series "Wir zwei" (You and Me) Author Michael Engler shows that not only like attracts like: despite all their differences, hare and hedgehog share an intimate and wonderful friendship.These two book characters now gain shape as huggable plushies, exclusively made by sigikid. The hedgehog has the same adorable snub nose as his paper twin. A little granule filling in his body adds more stability.
Plush monkey Affi small, Anouk children's books
"Affi", the adorable monkey baby, features in the "Anouk" children's books by Hendrikje Balsmeyer and German rock singer/composer/producer Peter Maffay. Joëlle Tourlonias created the beautiful illustrations including the charming Affi character, who in the book happens to be the best cuddle play pal of little Anouk; they are inseparable, and every night they have another exciting adventure together.Exclusively by sigikid:In cooperation with the illustrator, sigikid created this small size plush toy version of Affi with the same endearing traits as its paper twin: large, candid eyes, cute stuck-out ears and a long curly tail. All facial features are embroidered, and the soft filling contains granules to add some stability and weight to this little softie.The read-aloud books about Anouks Adventures are published in German language by arsEdition.
Plush monkey Affi, Anouk children's books
"Affi", the adorable monkey baby, features in the "Anouk" children's books by Hendrikje Balsmeyer and German rock singer/composer/producer Peter Maffay. Joëlle Tourlonias created the beautiful illustrations including the charming Affi character, who in the book happens to be the best cuddle play pal of little Anouk; they are inseparable, and every night they have another exciting adventure together.Exclusively by sigikid:In cooperation with the illustrator, sigikid created a plush toy version of cheeky Affi with the same endearing traits as its paper twin: large, candid eyes, cute stuck-out ears and a long curly tail. All facial features are embroidered, and the soft filling contains granules to add some stability and weight to this little softie.The read-aloud books about Anouk's adventures are published in German language by arsEdition.
Plush penguin Pinebumm, Anouk children's books
"Pinebumm", the adorable baby penguin, plays a role in the "Anouk" children's books by Hendrikje Balsmeyer and famous German rock singer/composer/producer Peter Maffay. Joëlle Tourlonias created the beautiful illustrations including the charming penguin character, who owes his unusual name to the fact that little Anouk could not yet pronounce "penguin" but said instead "pinebumm". And that name stuck!Exclusively by sigikid:In cooperation with the illustrator, sigikid created a real plush toy version of penguin Pinebumm with the same endearing traits as its paper twin. The unusually shaped eyes are embroidered, and the soft filling contains granules to add some stability and weight to this little softie.The read-aloud books about Anouk's adventures are published in German language by arsEdition.
Plush spider 15 cm, children's book "Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"
This light-footed, cheerful creature is the main character in the popular German children's books about a little spider named Disgusting ("Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"). Actually, she should rather be named "Delightful", because with her brillant eyes and tiny velour feet she is utterly charming. The brightly coloured plush spider keeps her soft body up by means of a granule filling. Her vest is partly stitched on, and her eyes are crafted as appliqués. A useful gift to little and maybe not so little ones, in order to playfully develop more sympathy towards other arachnids! The heart-warming adventures of this little spider were invented by German actress Diana Amft who was awarded multiple times for her role in "Doctor's Diary" and won the GRIMME prize.
Plush spider 22 cm, children's book "Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"
This light-footed, cheerful creature is the main character in the popular German children's books about a little spider named Disgusting ("Die kleine Spinne Widerlich"). Actually, she should rather be named "Delightful", because with her brillant eyes, tiny velour feet and jaunty pointed hat she is utterly charming. The brightly coloured plush spider keeps her soft body up by means of a granule filling. Vest and hat are partly stitched on, and her eyes are crafted as appliqués. A useful gift to little and maybe not so little ones, in order to playfully develop more sympathy towards other arachnids! The heart-warming adventures of this little spider were invented by German actress Diana Amft who was awarded multiple times for her role in "Doctor's Diary" and won the GRIMME prize.
Plush toy fox, Patchwork Sweety
Favourite color of this wonderfully lanky fox? Apparently blue, because he has mainly chosen this colour to dress up to become a real sigikid Patchwork Sweety. A real cuddler he is, too, with all his soft fur; so he is just the right one for any child who is looking for a childhood companion.
Small plush giraffe Olivia Mister O'Lui
Giraffe Olivia is Mister O'Luis biggest friend. Just as the large giraffe, this mini version of her is made of brown cotton velours and has a body shape that allows her to sit patiently until it is her turn again to get cuddled and hugged.Immerse yourself in the nostalgic world of Mister O'Lui created by graphic designer Silke Siefert! She crocheted her first little beaverbear for her baby twin sons; this adorable cuddle pal got so popular among family and friends that meanwhile a little universe has evolved all around it, including picture books.Find more lovingly designed products featuring Mister O'Lui and his friends.
Small plush lion Arthur, Mister O'Lui
Lion Arthur belongs to Mister O'Lui's group of newly-found friends. The fun mane of this mini version of Arthur looks at first glance quite spiky, but in fact it feels very supple - similar to the lion himself, who really is such a softie!Immerse yourself in the nostalgic world of Mister O'Lui created by graphic designer Silke Siefert! She crocheted her first little beaverbear for her baby twin sons; this adorable cuddle pal got so popular among family and friends that meanwhile a little universe has evolved all around it, including picture books.Find more lovingly designed products featuring Mister O'Lui and his friends.
Vorlesebuch Die Stoffis - Band 1
Hier kommen die Stoffis! Sechs ausgesetzte Plüschtiere, wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, nehmen gemeinsam ihr Leben in die Hufe bzw. Pfoten, um ein neues Zuhause zu finden. Ihre Abenteuer entstammen der Feder von Sabine Städing, Autorin der Bestseller-Buchserie rund um Petronella Apfelmus, im Boje Verlag. Die spannende Vorlesegeschichte ist liebevoll illustriert und bietet den jungen Kuscheltierfans noch mehr: so können sie einen Steckbrief für ihr Lieblingsplüschtier gestalten, oder ihre Lieblingskapitel mit Stickern der Hauptfiguren verschönern. Schulkinder können bei einem Quiz über diese Geschichte Punkte auf sammeln, dem Programm zur Leseförderung in Schulen. Ein weiteres Buchabenteuer rund um die Kuscheltierfreunde ist bereits erschienen. Exklusiv von sigikid: Einhorn, Kater und Hund haben ab sofort auch ihren Auftritt als echte verschmuste Plüschtiere, mit denen alle jungen Freunde der Stoffis ihre Geschichten nachspielen können. Mehr zu den Stoffis findest Du hier.
Vorlesebuch Die Stoffis - Band 2 - Alle für einen
Die sechs Stoffis haben ein gemütliches Zuhause gefunden. Sie sind sich einig: In ihrem umgebauten Spielhaus lässt es sich gut leben! Doch als Sternchen auf einem Ausflug verloren geht und von einer Kindergartentruppe mitgenommen wird, ist die Aufregung groß. Die Freunde bitten ihre Nachbarin Frau Regenstein um Hilfe. Gemeinsam machen sie sich auf zu einer besonderen Rettungsaktion. Auch das zweite Abenteuer der ausgesetzten Plüschtiere entstammt der Feder von Sabine Städing, Autorin der Bestseller-Buchserie rund um Petronella Apfelmus, Boje Verlag. Die spannende Vorlesegeschichte ist liebevoll illustriert und bietet den jungen Kuscheltierfans noch mehr: so können sie einen Steckbrief für ihr Lieblingsplüschtier gestalten oder ihre Lieblingskapitel mit Stickern der Hauptfiguren verschönern. Schulkinder können bei einem Quiz über diese Geschichte Punkte auf sammeln, dem Programm zur Leseförderung in Schulen. Exklusiv von sigikid: Einhorn, Kater und Hund haben ab sofort auch ihren Auftritt als echte verschmuste Plüschtiere, mit denen alle jungen Freunde der Stoffis ihre Geschichten nachspielen können. Mehr zu den Stoffis findest Du hier.
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