Cuddly stories
about friendship and solidarity

The Stuffies - On Plushy Soles (Volume 1)
A black stuffed cat and a fluffy unicorn are sitting in a cardboard box by the side of the road. From a distance, they can see the garbage truck approaching, which is about to swallow them up. Only at the last minute do the two courageously climb out and march off. It can't be that hard to find a nice home! On the way, they meet an old stuffed dog, a turtle with a small starfish on its shell and a one-armed bear. The stuffed animals set off together. But many an adventure awaits them along the way ...
Available hereThe Stoffis - All for one (Volume 2)
The six Stoffis have found a cozy home. They all agree: their converted playhouse is a great place to live! But when Sternchen gets lost on an excursion and is taken away by a kindergarten group, the excitement is great. The friends ask their neighbor Mrs. Regenstein for help. Together they set off on a special rescue mission - with a surprising outcome ...
Available here
Minnie, but to be honest he's a bit embarrassed by that name
courageous, clever - and therefore the born leader for the Stoffis
black fur, rather lanky stature; shaggy, unclothed

Sunny (Wunderfell), but usually just Sunny
energetic - sometimes he comes across as a bit arrogant, but he's actually a great guy who the Stoffis can always rely on

friendly, a little suspicious at first, but that's probably because he's seen a lot as the oldest of the Stoffis

amazingly adventurous, dreams of faraway countries; is a good friend (and means of transportation) especially for Sternchen

very sweet and mostly cheerful; also quite brave

Rumpel (Rumple bear)
big and strong and brave

The Illustrator
Nadine Reitz, born in 1976, spent her childhood in the tranquil village of Vehlefanz in Brandenburg - surrounded by meadows, fields, animals and enchanted places. She has always been fascinated by paper, colors and pencils. She has been working as a freelance illustrator and graphic designer since 2011. Today she lives with her family and three fluffy cats on the beautiful Lower Rhine.

The Author
Sabine Städing was born in Hamburg in 1965 and has enjoyed making up stories since she was a child. After her three books about the girl Magnolia Steel, who discovers that she is a witch, she now writes books for younger children. Petronella Apfelmus is another witch at the center of her current book series.
More from Boje Verlag is the home of Greg's diary, Petronella Apfelmus, the little spider Widerlich, Laura's star and many other children's book heroes from the Boje and Baumhaus program. Here you will regularly find new content for fun and games with the whole family.